Zombieland Drinking Game

Just an update. My Day 6 post may be a bit late since I just got involved in a Zombieland drinking game and I won't be very sober soon. Just in case you feel the need to try this for yourself at some point here are a list of the rules I found online, and which we are playing by:

Drink . . .
1. every time a zombie is killed.
2. every time someone says "Twinkie."
3. every time you see one of Columbus' rules.
4. every time someone breaks something.
5. every time someone says zombie.

Rules 6 & 7 are optional:
6. The P-Whipped Challenge - Drink every time Columbus does something stupid because he wants to get laid.
7. The Road Atlas Challenge - Drink every time someone says the name of a city.

I have to admit that after the first ten or fifteen minutes my friends and I gave up on the Road Atlas Challenge because we were drinking too much too fast and we didn't want to get s#!+ faced too quickly.

Keeping with the theme of this blog, if you haven't seen it, Zombieland is a great movie. I'm not sure if I would really classify Zombieland as a horror movie since it isn't really meant to be scary, but it is a fantastic zomcom. The writing is quick and witty and though the horror elements are subdued, there are a few intense moments - e.g. Columbus' first encounter and the finale sequence.
Hopefully I'll have my Day 6 post up by midnight. This is may be a wild hope given the way this game is going. Drink on my fellow horror fans!

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