Day 22 - Primal (2010)

So this was one of those completely at random selections from Netflix. Honestly I was a bit worried going into a movie that I had heard absolutely nothing about. Turns out, I was more pleasantly surprised than not.

This Australian film, from first time director Josh Reed, tells the story of six friends who go into a remote part of the jungle in search of long lost cave paintings. But there's something wrong with these caves, something dark, and when one of the group goes for a dip in the nearby waterhole, things suddenly turn ugly. Now one of the group members has become something inhuman and the remaining five will have to band together to fight against their former friend and try to avoid whatever it is that's emanating from these caves.

Not knowing anything about this film beforehand was probably a good thing because it meant I went in with no expectations. This was really just a so-so movie. For the most part it was fun, a few good jumps and scares, but at times it definitely crosses the line in to outright cheesiness. Also, this is a fairly straightforward, formula movie, meaning that there are really no big surprises - that is, except for the bizarreness of the ending. And that was my main issue with this movie, the ending, which got a bit too strange a bit too quickly. Between a bit a cheesiness and a finale that comes out of left field, there is not much wrong with Primal

Overall this was an amusing movie and I would recommend it if you not looking for anything too outstanding.

For Day 23 I'll be watching Mutants (2009).

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