Day 19 - YellowBrickRoad (2010)

I didn't know what to expect going into YellowBrickRoad. The trailers I had seen a while back made it look interesting, like some darker, re-imagined version of The Blair Witch Project. After it came out however I only heard bad things about it from other horror fans. Since then I had heard a few more positive reviews, but all still very mixed. Despite what I had seen and heard, I would never have expected this.

Seventy years ago the entire population of Friar, New Hampshire left everything behind as they walked away into the mountains. Only one survivor was found. Now an eight person team, the first ever expedition, will follow the same trail into the wilderness in an attempt to solve the mystery of the YellowBrickRoad. But they're in for more than they bargained. Strange sounds can be heard in the woods, sounds which grow into unexplainable music, and it isn't long before tempers begin to thin and sanity to fray. After one of the group snaps, killing another, all hell breaks loose as the team dissolves, heading off in multiple directions, each trying to escape the woods that won't let them go.

YellowBrickRoad starts out as a very promising movie, with its interesting Roanoke-esque mystery. But despite a hopeful start and a slow, eerie build as the team begins their expedition, once things really get rolling the story just dissolves into chaos. After the first death, whatever hope there was that this would turn out to be a decent movie just collapses into random nonsense, the members of the team wandering aimlessly through the woods with no point, the dialogue breaking down into short, meaningless snippets, and any hope for some good character development that might make me feel something for these people goes right out the window. By the time the final ridiculous scene comes along I was just ready for it to be over. I almost feel like I must be missing something, as though it must be my fault that I'm just not understanding what the movie is trying to do. But I really don't think so.

It might just be my disappointment speaking, since I had high hopes for YellowBrickRoad, but I think this is the first film I've reviewed that I just flat out would not recommend to anyone. Don't waste your time. Or do, and maybe you can tell me what I'm missing.

For Day 20 I will be reviewing The Last Exorcism (2011).

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