Day 10 - Dead & Buried (1981)

Well it seems I'm a bit late in posting this, but in the words of Rhianna, "Cheers to the freakin weekend, I drink to that."

Last week I had never even heard of Dead & Buried until it was recommended to me by Netflix. I knew absolutely nothing about this movie going in and I'm glad for that ignorance as it made the unraveling mystery all the more intense. Granted it isn't long before the audience is clued in to what's really going on, but that few minutes of not knowing just seems to make it all the more fun. Unfortunately I can't think of a way to properly discuss this film however without giving the general plot away, but then, I pomise not to ruin any of the major twists. If you want to get the full experience out of D&B, and this is an experience well worth having, I strongly recommend that you not read further and just go watch it.

In Dead & Buried the small town of Potter's Bluff is faced with a series of mysterious murders which are surrounded by even more mysterious circumstances. As the compexity of these killings are compounded by more and more strange twists, the town sheriff is forced to face off against a horde supernatural enemies. Zombies. But this is in no way your typical Romero-esque zombie movie. No, these are the more rarely seen Hatian style zombies in the fashion of White Zombie (1932) or The Serpent and the Rainbow (1988). But perhaps these comparisons aren't really that accurate. I have to admit, I can't remember every having seen zombies done quite like this, and it's this uniqueness that makes them all the more terrifying. To be sure, there are a few really horrifying scenes, a few great scares, and a couple twists that are just the cherry on top. The next time I watch this film you can bet it'll be in the dark.

To put it in the simplest terms, I am absolutely in love with this movie. Dead & Buried is definitely one of those movies that I will be watching every October from now on, or just whenever I get on a zombie kick. It's not a perfect movie, there are a few instances of overacting and perhaps a small plot hole or two, but these bits are so insignificant and far between that they don't really do any harm. Watch this movie!

For Day 11 I will be viewing Cursed (2005).

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