A Word of Intent

So a week or two back my friend Mike told me that he planned to watch one horror movie a day from September 1st through Halloween. Sixty-one days, sixty-one horror movies. My reaction? "I can do that. I'm in!" It just occured to me today however that this might be something fun to blog about. A way for me to just BS and give my two cents on some of the movies that make up my favorite film genre. So that's exactly what I'll be doing here.

I have no real plan as to what movies I will be watching and reviewing, it'll mostly just be whatever I spontaneously pick and throw on each day. There will be no limitations or criteria put on the movies themselves - ghost, slasher, monster, classic, new, live, animated, anything goes. I will take recommendations though as I'm always looking for something new and exciting or for recollections of forgotten movies. I do have a handful of movies in mind that I've been meaning to watch. Then there's that handful of movies without which my October would be incomplete - e.g. John Carpenter's Halloween, Trick R' Treat (a new addition), House of 1000 Corpses etc. - but most of those will come closer to the big day. Also, I won't just limit myself to sixty-one movies. There will be one specific movie each day, but if I happen to watch an additional movie that I think would be fun to share my thoughts on, I might just throw that in as a bonus.

So that's my plan.

I do realize that, as I'm starting this blog on September 3rd, my first two posts will have to back track the past two days, so I'll be doing that now.

IMPORTANT NOTE: These reviews will be spoiler free. No point trying to raise someone's interest in a movie just to give away the twist ending. So no worries there. Read on!

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