Day 28 - Altitude (2010)

I’ve been excited about this movie for a while now because the concept seemed like such a cool idea, but for some reason I kept putting it off, so I went into this movie with high expectations. While in retrospect I don’t think anything could have helped this movie, going in with expectations was certainly the worst thing I could have done.

Five friends set off flying across the country to see a concert, in a chartered plane piloted by one of the friends. When things begin to go wrong and the plane begins to ascend into a storm, tensions soar as a simple flight becomes a life and death situation. On top of the already eminent threat of death from just being in the plane, dumb dumb dumb, suddenly there are Lovecraftian monsters in the clouds.

It’s usually a bad sign when you find yourself rolling your eyes two minutes in to a movie. After the first ten minutes I had to give up rolling my eyes and resort to face palming through the rest of it. Everything about this movie sucks. The acting is poor the writing is terrible and the story is all situational – everything that could go wrong does go wrong, but it’s all so sudden and ridiculous that you just don’t care. One thing that annoyed me from the start of the film was the way the girl flying the plane had to announce every little thing she does with the controls and how every radio transmission has to be heard just to fill all the empty silences. Nothing fits together here. There's too much craziness going in too many directions, and a complete lack of quality to any of it. There are a thousand things I could complain about here but I’d rather not bother.

In short, there is nothing redeeming about this movie. Don’t waste your time.

For Day 29 I’ll be watching The House by the Cemetery (1981).

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